Public Wireless Supply Chain Innovation Fund Award Process for NOFO 1
This announcement memo initiates an audit to determine whether NTIA had an adequate review and selection award process to ensure grant recipients met requirements of the Innovation Fund program’s Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) 1—Research and Development, Testing and Evaluation.
Audit of BAS System Implementation for the Census Bureau
This announcement memo initiates an audit to assess the Department’s efforts to transition Census Bureau financial operations to the Business Applications Solution.
Report Number 2025-510
2025 Annual Letter to OMB re: Government Charge Card Abuse Act of 2012
Report Number OIG-25-010-M
Puerto Rico's Department of Natural and Environmental Resources Properly Disbursed Funds but Was Slow in Expending Fishery Disaster Assistance Funds
Our audit found that the Puerto Rico’s Department of Natural and Environmental Resources (PRDNER) properly disbursed and used federal funds to support its fisheries in recovering from the impacts of the damages caused by several hurricanes. However, PRDNER was slow in spending funds, as only approximately 7 percent of the total disaster assistance funds have been expended since April 1, 2020.
Report Number OIG-25-009-A
Semiannual Evaluations of the Status of NTIA's Broadband Grant Programs
This announcement memo initiates the 2025 semiannual evaluations of the status of NTIA-administered broadband grant programs that received funding under the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.
Broadband: A Data Stroll, Version 2
The U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC), Office of Inspector General’s (OIG’s) Data Analytics team has developed a second version of Broadband: A Data Stroll in partnership with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) OIG and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) OIG.
Workforce Staffing Plans for the 2026 Census Test
This announcement memo initiates an audit to assess the Census Bureau’s staffing plans and progress in meeting workforce hiring goals for the 2026 Census Test.
Evaluation of the International Trade Administration's Cyber Incident Detection and Response
This announcement memo initiates an evaluation to assess the adequacy of ITA’s actions when detecting and responding to cyber incidents in accordance with federal and U.S. Department of Commerce requirements.
Office of Audit and Evaluation FY 2025 Work Plan
The OAE workplan summarizes the anticipated work for fiscal year 2025. We plan our work to maximize our resources and achieve the most significant results. However, OAE will modify the work plan as needed during the year in response to unanticipated changes in circumstances, priorities, or resources.
Report Number OIG-25-008
NOAA Should Assess Opportunities to Improve Hurricane Forecasts and Warnings
Our audit found that the National Weather Service (NWS) has made progress improving tropical cyclone track and intensity forecasts since the Weather Act became law in 2017. However, NWS is only partially meeting the Weather Act’s requirements for a hurricane forecast improvement program.
Report Number OIG-25-007-A
2025 Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act Evaluation
As required by the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act of 2015 (CISA), we are initiating an evaluation of the sharing capabilities used by the U.S. Department of Commerce. Pursuant to CISA requirements, we will assist in creating an interagency report on the actions taken by the executive branch to carry out cybersecurity information sharing during calendar years (CYs) 2023–2024.
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